Looking Back Over 2021…

From Tanzania:

KIWOHEDE Open School is school works on the principles of protection, education and empowerment for highly disadvantaged children in Tanzania, especially girls who are unable to access secondary education because of different circumstances. For the year 2021, KIWOHEDE Open School has shown a lot of improvements including academic performance for both internal and external examinations, social wellbeing for students and staffs as well as school development. All these were possible with the support from KIOTA UK. 

From January to December, 77 children and young people were supported at the centre. 14 students who were in class four (stage two) graduated after attending the national exams. We wish them the best of luck for the future and hope they are pleased that their hard work paid off!

KIWOHEDE staff have continued to provide counselling to the children, as well as medical care, recreational sports and activities and science practical sessions. Through their holistic approach, they have identified key issues that are still affecting vulnerable young people in Tanzania, including forced marriage, being forced to drop out of school due to poverty, child trafficking, and being forced into work as domestic workers. This is why KIWOHEDE’s work continues to be so important.

The staff at the school have also continued to work on family reunification, art therapy and home visits to ensure that students are in the best possible position to learn.

From the UK:

This year we are incredibly grateful for all of the support we have received. We have been lucky enough to have supporters fundraise through sponsored runs, a Wine Tasting event, and a raffle. All of which helped us support the salaries of four teachers in Tanzania.

This year we were able to send a team to the Peak District Challenge, who raised over £2,000 to support the work of KIWOHEDE.

For the first time, we were able to take part in The Big Give, and raise £2,300 over 7 days, which will go towards salaries, school books and school meals in Tanzania.

Once again we would like to say a huge thank you for all of the support, and we look forward to seeing more of you in person next year!


Jessica’s* Story


Sarah’s* Story